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Strata management education changes

Learn about the new educational model being proposed for WA strata managers.

A new and improved model for strata management educational qualifications has been proposed for WA following extensive industry consultation.

The changes expand educational qualifications and introduce experience requirements for professional strata managers, as well as create new career pathways and redefine some roles and responsibilities to better meet industry needs. They also resolve the challenging impact that national changes to the Certificate IV in Strata Community Management had on WA’s industry.

WA strata owners and tenants will benefit from the uplift in professional knowledge and experience within our state’s strata management industry.

Implementing these changes involves amending WA’s strata titles regulations: the Strata Titles (General) Regulations 2019 (STGR).

The amendments to the STGR will take effect across two phases.

Phase 1 – extends current transitional period by 12 months

  • Singular amendment to extend the transitional period for strata managers to comply with WA’s current education qualifications from 1 November 2024 to the new date of 1 November 2025.
  • This change does not introduce any new educational qualifications.
  • It will allow the strata management industry to continue to operate ahead of phase 2.

Phase 2 – public consultation of new model, prior to implementation

  • Expected to include all amendments implementing the new educational model, pending feedback from an upcoming public consultation. The detail of each amendment is below.
  • Public consultation timing: late 2024.
  • Commencement timing: in the first half of 2025 (timing TBC).

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Proposed amendments              

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