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  • This data set contains integrated cadastral polygon, ownership and property street address data for Western Australia.

  • Place and feature name data information is stored in Landgate's official geographic names database for Western Australia.

  • Connecting you with data Data WA was launched in 2015 along with the WA Whole of Government Open Data Policy. There is vast, untapped potential in the data that government generates through its

  • This service contains information on all of Western Australia's land parcels (freehold and Crown land).

  • What is included? Landgate maintains property street address details with information provided by local government authorities who are the responsible entity for street address allocation.

  • What is MyLandgate? MyLandgate is a customer portal for anyone who needs to access specialist channels tailored for different industry sectors, essential products and services, updates, helpful links

  • What is gross rental value (GRV)? The gross rental value (GRV) is the total annual rent a property might reasonably be expected to earn each year if it was rented out. This includes associated rates,

  • This information is relevant to government agencies and will not impact the general public.  Please note that any dates mentioned within this communication are subject to change.  

  • "As the Valuer-General my day-to-day duties include planning and preparation for general valuations, providing direction for complex objections and interim valuations, collaborating with government,