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  • The Landgate Basemap combines multple Landgate datasets to deliver a basemap service for Western Australia

  • Gross Rental Value (GRV) Videos The Gross Rental Value, or GRV, represents the gross annual rental that a property might reasonably be expected to earn annually if it were rented, including rates,

  • The Pastoral Rent Methodology feedback period has closed. We are no longer accepting submissions.

  • SLIP brings together location information to view and share data within SLIP through Web Maps and Apps, or use in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and other business applications.

  • Points of interest subscription service Landgate's SLIP POI service gives you access to authoritative information about geographic and public interest locations and includes natural and man-made

  • Why use Land Enquiry Services? Land Enquiry Services (LES) allows you to search land and property information, enquire on a dealing status, and order related products including certificates of title,

  • What is unimproved value? Unimproved value (UV) is the value of the land only. For land within the metropolitan area and within regional townsites the UV includes merged improvements such as drainage

  • Get a copy of the official land ownership record and check any property’s current ownership. Learn about potential land use restrictions on a property, such as whether it’s heritage-listed. Find out

  • GLAM - Gays, lesbians and more Our resource group for LGBTQIA+ employees fosters greater workplace inclusion, and provides support as needed. Landgate Young Professionals For networking, career