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  • Nature of reform Landgate’s first consultation paper on the reform proposal, released in June 2021, received overwhelming support from industry stakeholders across finance, banking, legal services,

  • New road and place naming requests At Landgate we accept applications from local governments or their authorised representatives, for new names relating to roads, suburbs, administrative boundaries

  • Find the latest dates The date of valuation is a given point in time when all properties within a local government area are assessed, ensuring a fair and equitable assessment is completed. Watch the

  • The WA geodetic system, which consists of geodetic survey marks referenced to the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020, is fundamental land information under the Land Information Authority Regulations

  • Why place names matter Place names are a key component of how we locate our place in the world and how we can tell stories and share history. Naming or renaming new roads, suburbs and geographical

  • Learn more about horizontal datum, a reference frame or geodetic system consisting of physical marks on the ground, a database of survey observations, as well as accurate coordinates of the physical

  • Explore fascinating detail about WA place names, their history, and discover how new names are decided and assigned. Get to know the process for new road naming and submitting online proposals via

  • Disclaimer To the extent permitted by law, Landgate is released and will in no way be liable to you or anyone else for any loss, damage, expense or costs however caused (including through negligence)

  • What is included? This imagery type shows how ‘green’ the ground appears from the satellite and provides an indication of vegetation health/vigour on the earth’s surface. The imagery is supplied as a