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  • Key information When you own a strata titled property, you have individual ownership over your ‘lot’ (such as an apartment, townhouse or villa), as well as shared ownership over the 'common property'

  • This public site allows you to interactively browse satellite observed hotspots, burnt areas and lightning strikes. This site for land managers offers increased functionality, frequent satellite

  • Source data from Landgate in order to create value added products and services to on-sell to your customers. On-sell our title products to end users. Authorised brokers are provided with direct

  • The information and images provided within the above video and brochure are of a theoretical nature only. Any proposed community scheme would be considered on its merits by the Western Australian

  • A remote sensing technology that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure and calculate distances in a 3D environment. Landgate acquisitions, at various resolutions across WA began in 2017.

  • See the changing landscape of Western Australian cities, towns and suburbs over time with Landgate’s aerial imagery dating back to 1948.

  • A community scheme is a new form of land tenure in WA, offering an alternative planning and management structure for new mixed-use developments.

  • Find the strata form you need to undertake your dealing involving a WA strata titles scheme.