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Aerial imagery

We capture state aerial images for public and private use. Our aerial imagery dates back to 1948.

About our aerial imagery

Aerial imagery (also called aerial photography) is the oldest form of remote sensing. It predates satellite imagery and is a valuable source of historic data.

Aerial imagery is often used for the creation and updating of maps. A current use relies on looking through the aerial imagery archive to identify changes in land use over a specific area over the past 80 years.

Aerial imagery options

Orthorectified aerial imagery is aerial photography that has been geometrically corrected. Check the ortho-mosaic index to locate and check the coverage status of a specific area.

Custom aerial imagery extracts can be ordered from Landgate's extensive aerial imagery repository, including our most recent acquisitions. Find out more about custom aerial imagery extracts.

Spatial resolutions

The resolution of the aerial imagery provided by Landgate is usually less than 1m. Cities and townsites are usually captured at 10 or 15cm. Broad area coverage is usually 50cm. Landgate has aerial imagery over the Perth metropolitan area from 1948 onwards. However, there are some parts of the state that have only been flown once in the past 70 years.

Availability and access

Map Viewer Plus is an online viewing tool offering current and historical aerial imagery, along with layers of geographic information. Map Viewer Plus now services the surveying industry by the inclusion of authoritative geodetic and survey information. If you’re new to Map Viewer Plus our ’how to use’ guide will help you to navigate its options.

Shared location information platform (SLIP)

Delivered by Landgate on behalf of the State Government, SLIP is a platform for sharing location-based (or spatial) information. It is a key mechanism in supporting the State’s Open Data Policy. Dozens of government agencies use SLIP to provide location information to the public, researchers, business and government. Check the SLIP Locate mapping platform here.

Request new aerial imagery

Public sector agencies can visit Capture WA to register and submit requests for a range of satellite and aerial imagery.