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Enjoy your weekly snapshot of the Perth and Mandurah property market. Registered in the past week, we bring you the top 10:


This information is based on house sales in the Perth and Mandurah property market, registered for the week ending 16 March 2025.

Top 10 most expensive properties sold

No. Street Name   Suburb Land Area (m2) Sale Price Beds Baths
1 JUTLAND PDE DALKEITH 1427 $8,100,000 4 2
2 MACLEOD RD APPLECROSS 965 $3,800,000 5 4
3 ALEXANDER RD DALKEITH 506 $3,500,000 3 2
4 CIRCE CIR DALKEITH 1012 $3,300,000 5 3
5 WINMARLEY ST FLOREAT 837 $3,200,000 4 2
6 WEST COAST HWY CITY BEACH 1072 $3,100,000 4 3
7 WRIGHT AV SWANBOURNE 506 $3,100,000 5 2
8 HILL VIEW RD MOUNT LAWLEY 507 $3,050,000 5 3
9 RIVERTON DR SHELLEY 812 $2,800,000 4 3
10 BRIGHTON MEWS HILLARYS 809 $2,775,000 4 4

Top 10 most affordable properties sold

No. Street Name   Suburb Land Area (m2) Sale Price Beds Baths
1 MATSON ST MEDINA 827 $460,000 2 1
2 TAMBULAM WAY ARMADALE 712 $520,000 3 1
3 BIDEFORD ST WARNBRO 710 $525,000 2 1
4 STRINESDALE BVD AVELEY 150 $530,000 2 1
5 TERANCA RD GREENFIELDS 768 $535,000 3 1
6 KALLANG RD COODANUP 1012 $535,000 2 1
7 ENCOUNTER RD BYFORD 188 $540,000 3 2
8 DURI ST ARMADALE 700 $545,000 3 1
9 SPINY LANE ALKIMOS 152 $547,500 2 2
10 MURRY MEWS LEDA 532 $550,000 3 1

Top 10 suburbs by numbers sold

No. Suburb Number Sold Total Value
1 BALDIVIS 27 $19,296,000
2 CANNING VALE 8 $8,081,000
3 BRABHAM 7 $4,893,500
4 BYFORD 7 $4,915,000
5 ELLENBROOK 7 $5,190,000
6 GOSNELLS 7 $4,466,000
7 THORNLIE 7 $5,547,000
8 AVELEY 6 $4,228,000
9 GIRRAWHEEN 6 $4,037,000
10 PIARA WATERS 6 $4,600,000

Top 10 suburbs by total turnover

No. Suburb Number Sold Total Value
1 BALDIVIS 27 $19,296,000
2 DALKEITH 3 $14,900,000
3 WILLETTON 6 $8,397,000
4 CANNING VALE 8 $8,081,000
5 MOUNT LAWLEY 3 $7,370,000
6 SWANBOURNE 3 $7,365,000
7 SECRET HARBOUR 6 $6,741,000
8 DUNCRAIG 4 $6,440,000
9 DIANELLA 5 $5,720,000
10 THORNLIE 7 $5,547,000



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