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Use this page to access Landgate’s land transaction procedure guides. They provide information on a wide range of land transactions, supporting you to understand what is required and to keep up with changing legislation and best practice.
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The information contained in the guides below is distributed by Landgate through the Landgate corporate website as a guide or information source only. Various factors beyond the control of Landgate or the Landgate corporate website can affect the quality or accuracy of the information and products. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and completeness, no guarantee is given, nor responsibility taken, by Landgate or the Landgate corporate website for errors or omissions in the manual. Landgate and the Landgate corporate website do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of, or reliance upon the information provided in this manual or incorporated into it by reference.
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Find information across a wide range of land titles transactions in Western Australia. Choose ‘All guides’ or select from the filter that best applies to your search criteria.
New and updated guides
POA-03 Powers of Attorney - enduringview guide for POA-03 Powers of Attorney - enduring
TFR-02 Transfers - Document Preparationview guide for TFR-02 Transfers - Document Preparation
TFR-06 Life Estatesview guide for TFR-06 Life Estates
VES-01 Vesting Ordersview guide for VES-01 Vesting Orders
VOI-01 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions and How to Complete a Verification of Identityview guide for VOI-01 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions and How to Complete a Verification of Identity
VOI-02 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority for Self-Represented Parties. Paper Based Transactionsview guide for VOI-02 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority for Self-Represented Parties. Paper Based Transactions
MEM-01 Memorialsview guide for MEM-01 Memorials
Land ownership, land titles and Landgate
COT-01 Reading a Certificate of Titleview guide for COT-01 Reading a Certificate of Title
COT-02 Information of Historical Duplicate Titlesview guide for COT-02 Information of Historical Duplicate Titles
REG-01 The Transfer of Land Actview guide for REG-01 The Transfer of Land Act
REG-02 The Registerview guide for REG-02 The Register
REG-03 Searching the Registerview guide for REG-03 Searching the Register
REG-04 Rectification in the Register and on Instruments (after Registration)view guide for REG-04 Rectification in the Register and on Instruments (after Registration)
REG-05 Service of Court Orders upon the Registrar & Registrar's Packetsview guide for REG-05 Service of Court Orders upon the Registrar & Registrar's Packets
TYP-01 Types of Title to Landview guide for TYP-01 Types of Title to Land
TYP-02 Crown Landview guide for TYP-02 Crown Land
TYP-03 General Lawview guide for TYP-03 General Law
TYP-04 Bringing Land Under the TLAview guide for TYP-04 Bringing Land Under the TLA
Electronic conveyancing
ELE-01 Electronic Conveyancingview guide for ELE-01 Electronic Conveyancing
ELE-02 WA Subscriber Compliance Programview guide for ELE-02 WA Subscriber Compliance Program
ELE-03 WA Participation Rules, WA Operating Requirements & Waiversview guide for ELE-03 WA Participation Rules, WA Operating Requirements & Waivers
ELE-04 Residual Documentsview guide for ELE-04 Residual Documents
LOD-01 Lodging of Electronic Documentsview guide for LOD-01 Lodging of Electronic Documents
SIG-06 Signing of Electronic Documentsview guide for SIG-06 Signing of Electronic Documents
VOI-04 Verification of Identity and Authority- Electronic Transactionsview guide for VOI-04 Verification of Identity and Authority- Electronic Transactions
CAV-07 Caveats - Electronic Caveat Preparationview guide for CAV-07 Caveats - Electronic Caveat Preparation
Document preparation
APP-01 Applicationsview guide for APP-01 Applications
DOC-01 Document Preparation (PDF & eForms)view guide for DOC-01 Document Preparation (PDF & eForms)
DOC-02 Parties to Documents - name and address requirementsview guide for DOC-02 Parties to Documents - name and address requirements
DOC-03 Amendment of Documentsview guide for DOC-03 Amendment of Documents
DOC-04 Statutory Declarations and Supporting Evidenceview guide for DOC-04 Statutory Declarations and Supporting Evidence
DOC-05 Tenancyview guide for DOC-05 Tenancy
DOC-06 Memorandum of Common Provisionsview guide for DOC-06 Memorandum of Common Provisions
SIG-01 Signing and Witnessing of Documentsview guide for SIG-01 Signing and Witnessing of Documents
SIG-02 Signing by Mark or Cross or Interpreterview guide for SIG-02 Signing by Mark or Cross or Interpreter
SIG-03 Signing by a Corporationview guide for SIG-03 Signing by a Corporation
SIG-04 Signing by a Liquidator, Administrator, Official Manager or Receiverview guide for SIG-04 Signing by a Liquidator, Administrator, Official Manager or Receiver
SIG-05 Signing by an Incorporated Associationview guide for SIG-05 Signing by an Incorporated Association
SIG-06 Signing of Electronic Documentsview guide for SIG-06 Signing of Electronic Documents
SIG-07 Signing and Witnessing of Documents by a Person Overseasview guide for SIG-07 Signing and Witnessing of Documents by a Person Overseas
SIG-08 Signing by an Attorney under Power of Attorney/Enduring Power of Attorneyview guide for SIG-08 Signing by an Attorney under Power of Attorney/Enduring Power of Attorney
SIG-09 Signing by a Local Governmentview guide for SIG-09 Signing by a Local Government
SIG-10 Signing by a Minorview guide for SIG-10 Signing by a Minor
SIG-11 Signing by a Partnershipview guide for SIG-11 Signing by a Partnership
SIG-12 Signing by a Registered Friendly Societyview guide for SIG-12 Signing by a Registered Friendly Society
SIG-13 Signing by Indigenous or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporationsview guide for SIG-13 Signing by Indigenous or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations
SIG-14 Signing by a Strata Companyview guide for SIG-14 Signing by a Strata Company
SIG-16 Signing by a Plenary Administrator under SAT Orderview guide for SIG-16 Signing by a Plenary Administrator under SAT Order
SIG-17 Signing under Court Orderview guide for SIG-17 Signing under Court Order
TFR-02 Transfers - Document Preparationview guide for TFR-02 Transfers - Document Preparation
CAV-04 Caveats - document preparation and lodgementview guide for CAV-04 Caveats - document preparation and lodgement
Lodgement and registration
LOD-01 Lodging of Electronic Documentsview guide for LOD-01 Lodging of Electronic Documents
LOD-02 Lodging of Paper Documentsview guide for LOD-02 Lodging of Paper Documents
LOD-03 Fees and Transfer Dutyview guide for LOD-03 Fees and Transfer Duty
LOD-04 Registrationview guide for LOD-04 Registration
LOD-05 Request to Expedite the Processing of Plans and Documentsview guide for LOD-05 Request to Expedite the Processing of Plans and Documents
LOD-06 Issue of Instruments after Registrationview guide for LOD-06 Issue of Instruments after Registration
LOD-07 Stopped Documentsview guide for LOD-07 Stopped Documents
ADD-01 Change of addressview guide for ADD-01 Change of address
BAN-01 Application by a Trustee in Bankruptcy (Section 234 of the TLA)view guide for BAN-01 Application by a Trustee in Bankruptcy (Section 234 of the TLA)
CAP-01 Capacity of Partiesview guide for CAP-01 Capacity of Parties
CAP-02 Incapable Personsview guide for CAP-02 Incapable Persons
DEC-01 Deceased Proprietorview guide for DEC-01 Deceased Proprietor
DEC-02 Survivorship Applicationsview guide for DEC-02 Survivorship Applications
DEC-03 Transmission Applicationsview guide for DEC-03 Transmission Applications
FOR-01 Foreclosure(Section 121 of the TLA)view guide for FOR-01 Foreclosure(Section 121 of the TLA)
NAM-01 Name Amendmentview guide for NAM-01 Name Amendment
NAM-02 Name Suppressionview guide for NAM-02 Name Suppression
POA-01 Powers of Attorneyview guide for POA-01 Powers of Attorney
POA-02 Powers of Attorney - types ofview guide for POA-02 Powers of Attorney - types of
POA-03 Powers of Attorney - enduringview guide for POA-03 Powers of Attorney - enduring
POA-04 Powers of Attorney - revocation or terminationview guide for POA-04 Powers of Attorney - revocation or termination
POA-05 Declarations of Trust (Section 55 of the TLA)view guide for POA-05 Declarations of Trust (Section 55 of the TLA)
TFR-01 Transfers - common scenariosview guide for TFR-01 Transfers - common scenarios
TFR-02 Transfers - Document Preparationview guide for TFR-02 Transfers - Document Preparation
TFR-03 Transfers by or to an Executor/Administratorview guide for TFR-03 Transfers by or to an Executor/Administrator
TFR-04 Transfer: Land of Deregistered Companyview guide for TFR-04 Transfer: Land of Deregistered Company
TFR-05 Transfer of Mortgage, Charge or Leaseview guide for TFR-05 Transfer of Mortgage, Charge or Lease
TFR-06 Life Estatesview guide for TFR-06 Life Estates
TFR-07 Transfers by an Attorney under EPA or by Administration Order (SAT)view guide for TFR-07 Transfers by an Attorney under EPA or by Administration Order (SAT)
TFR-08 Transfer by Mortgagee/Debenture Holder/Annuitant (Chargee) exercising Power of Saleview guide for TFR-08 Transfer by Mortgagee/Debenture Holder/Annuitant (Chargee) exercising Power of Sale
TFR-09 Transfers by Sale for Rates (Local Government Act 1995)view guide for TFR-09 Transfers by Sale for Rates (Local Government Act 1995)
TFR-10 Transfer Pursuant to a Property (Seizure and Sale) Orderview guide for TFR-10 Transfer Pursuant to a Property (Seizure and Sale) Order
VES-01 Vesting Ordersview guide for VES-01 Vesting Orders
VOI-01 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions and How to Complete a Verification of Identityview guide for VOI-01 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions and How to Complete a Verification of Identity
VOI-02 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority for Self-Represented Parties. Paper Based Transactionsview guide for VOI-02 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority for Self-Represented Parties. Paper Based Transactions
VOI-03 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions - Foreign Countriesview guide for VOI-03 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions - Foreign Countries
VOI-04 Verification of Identity and Authority- Electronic Transactionsview guide for VOI-04 Verification of Identity and Authority- Electronic Transactions
Encumbrances, interests and limitations
CAR-01 Carbon Rights and Carbon Covenantsview guide for CAR-01 Carbon Rights and Carbon Covenants
CAR-02 Carbon Rights and Carbon Covenants Rights - amendments toview guide for CAR-02 Carbon Rights and Carbon Covenants Rights - amendments to
CAV-01 Caveats - overview and purposeview guide for CAV-01 Caveats - overview and purpose
CAV-02 Caveats - further readingview guide for CAV-02 Caveats - further reading
CAV-03 Caveats - types ofview guide for CAV-03 Caveats - types of
CAV-04 Caveats - document preparation and lodgementview guide for CAV-04 Caveats - document preparation and lodgement
CAV-05 Caveats - removalview guide for CAV-05 Caveats - removal
CAV-06 Caveats - removal - document preparation and lodgementview guide for CAV-06 Caveats - removal - document preparation and lodgement
CAV-07 Caveats - Electronic Caveat Preparationview guide for CAV-07 Caveats - Electronic Caveat Preparation
CHA-01 Charges and Removalsview guide for CHA-01 Charges and Removals
CHA-02 Charges under the Health or Bankruptcy Actview guide for CHA-02 Charges under the Health or Bankruptcy Act
COV-01 Covenantsview guide for COV-01 Covenants
COV-02 Covenants - removalview guide for COV-02 Covenants - removal
EAS-01 Easementsview guide for EAS-01 Easements
EAS-02 Easements & restrictive covenants affecting common property - the role of strata companies and community corporationsview guide for EAS-02 Easements & restrictive covenants affecting common property - the role of strata companies and community corporations
EAS-03 Removal of Easementsview guide for EAS-03 Removal of Easements
ENC-01 Application – Remove Expired Encumbrance Section 184view guide for ENC-01 Application – Remove Expired Encumbrance Section 184
LEA-01 Leases of Landview guide for LEA-01 Leases of Land
LEA-02 Leases of Land - variations of and toview guide for LEA-02 Leases of Land - variations of and to
LEA-03 Leases of Land - removalview guide for LEA-03 Leases of Land - removal
MEM-01 Memorialsview guide for MEM-01 Memorials
MTG-01 Mortgagesview guide for MTG-01 Mortgages
MTG-02 Mortgages - variationsview guide for MTG-02 Mortgages - variations
MTG-03 Mortgages - document preparationview guide for MTG-03 Mortgages - document preparation
MTG-04 Mortgages - dischargesview guide for MTG-04 Mortgages - discharges
NOT-01 Notificationsview guide for NOT-01 Notifications
PAP-01 Profits à Prendreview guide for PAP-01 Profits à Prendre
PAP-02 Profits à Prendre - various Actsview guide for PAP-02 Profits à Prendre - various Acts
PSS-01 Property (Seizure and Sale) Order (PSSO)view guide for PSS-01 Property (Seizure and Sale) Order (PSSO)
PSS-02 Property (Seizure and Sale) Order - removalview guide for PSS-02 Property (Seizure and Sale) Order - removal
TPA-01 Tree Plantation Agreementsview guide for TPA-01 Tree Plantation Agreements
TPA-02 Tree Plantation Agreements – amendments and removalview guide for TPA-02 Tree Plantation Agreements – amendments and removal
WAW-01 Writs of Fieri Facias and Warrants of Executionview guide for WAW-01 Writs of Fieri Facias and Warrants of Execution
WAW-02 Writs and Warrants - removalview guide for WAW-02 Writs and Warrants - removal
SUB-01 Subdivisionview guide for SUB-01 Subdivision
SUB-02 Application for New Titlesview guide for SUB-02 Application for New Titles
Visit strata titles policy and procedure guides for strata document and plan related guidesview guide for Visit strata titles policy and procedure guides for strata document and plan related guides
Crown land
ACQ-01 Acquisitionsview guide for ACQ-01 Acquisitions
AMA-01 Amalgamationsview guide for AMA-01 Amalgamations
CRW-01 Crown Land - Generalview guide for CRW-01 Crown Land - General
RES-01 Crown Reservesview guide for RES-01 Crown Reserves
TAK-01 Taking Orders - Overviewview guide for TAK-01 Taking Orders - Overview
TAK-02 Taking Orders - NOITTview guide for TAK-02 Taking Orders - NOITT
TAK-03 Taking Ordersview guide for TAK-03 Taking Orders
BAP-01 Amendments of Boundaries, Area or Positionview guide for BAP-01 Amendments of Boundaries, Area or Position
POS-01 Adverse Possessionview guide for POS-01 Adverse Possession
ROA-01 Creation of Private Roadsview guide for ROA-01 Creation of Private Roads
ROA-02 Creation of Public Roadsview guide for ROA-02 Creation of Public Roads
ROA-03 Roads and their Closureview guide for ROA-03 Roads and their Closure
SEA-01 Search Certificates (s.146 and 147 of the TLA) & Stay Ordersview guide for SEA-01 Search Certificates (s.146 and 147 of the TLA) & Stay Orders
REQ-01 Requisition Portal User Guideview guide for REQ-01 Requisition Portal User Guide
Certificate of title
COT-01 Reading a Certificate of Titleview guide for COT-01 Reading a Certificate of Title
REG-03 Searching the Registerview guide for REG-03 Searching the Register
CAV-01 Caveats - overview and purposeview guide for CAV-01 Caveats - overview and purpose
CAV-02 Caveats - further readingview guide for CAV-02 Caveats - further reading
CAV-03 Caveats - types ofview guide for CAV-03 Caveats - types of
CAV-04 Caveats - document preparation and lodgementview guide for CAV-04 Caveats - document preparation and lodgement
CAV-05 Caveats - removalview guide for CAV-05 Caveats - removal
CAV-06 Caveats - removal - document preparation and lodgementview guide for CAV-06 Caveats - removal - document preparation and lodgement
CAV-07 Caveats - Electronic Caveat Preparationview guide for CAV-07 Caveats - Electronic Caveat Preparation
Deceased estate
APP-01 Applicationsview guide for APP-01 Applications
DEC-01 Deceased Proprietorview guide for DEC-01 Deceased Proprietor
DEC-02 Survivorship Applicationsview guide for DEC-02 Survivorship Applications
DEC-03 Transmission Applicationsview guide for DEC-03 Transmission Applications
LOD-03 Fees and Transfer Dutyview guide for LOD-03 Fees and Transfer Duty
DOC-01 Document Preparation (PDF & eForms)view guide for DOC-01 Document Preparation (PDF & eForms)
Powers of attorney
POA-02 Powers of Attorney - types ofview guide for POA-02 Powers of Attorney - types of
POA-04 Powers of Attorney - revocation or terminationview guide for POA-04 Powers of Attorney - revocation or termination
Signing of documents
SIG-01 Signing and Witnessing of Documentsview guide for SIG-01 Signing and Witnessing of Documents
SIG-03 Signing by a Corporationview guide for SIG-03 Signing by a Corporation
SIG-06 Signing of Electronic Documentsview guide for SIG-06 Signing of Electronic Documents
SIG-07 Signing and Witnessing of Documents by a Person Overseasview guide for SIG-07 Signing and Witnessing of Documents by a Person Overseas
SIG-08 Signing by an Attorney under Power of Attorney/Enduring Power of Attorneyview guide for SIG-08 Signing by an Attorney under Power of Attorney/Enduring Power of Attorney
SIG-09 Signing by a Local Governmentview guide for SIG-09 Signing by a Local Government
SIG-10 Signing by a Minorview guide for SIG-10 Signing by a Minor
SIG-11 Signing by a Partnershipview guide for SIG-11 Signing by a Partnership
SIG-12 Signing by a Registered Friendly Societyview guide for SIG-12 Signing by a Registered Friendly Society
SIG-13 Signing by Indigenous or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporationsview guide for SIG-13 Signing by Indigenous or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations
SIG-14 Signing by a Strata Companyview guide for SIG-14 Signing by a Strata Company
TFR-02 Transfers - Document Preparationview guide for TFR-02 Transfers - Document Preparation
TFR-03 Transfers by or to an Executor/Administratorview guide for TFR-03 Transfers by or to an Executor/Administrator
TFR-04 Transfer: Land of Deregistered Companyview guide for TFR-04 Transfer: Land of Deregistered Company
TFR-05 Transfer of Mortgage, Charge or Leaseview guide for TFR-05 Transfer of Mortgage, Charge or Lease
TFR-06 Life Estatesview guide for TFR-06 Life Estates
TFR-07 Transfers by an Attorney under EPA or by Administration Order (SAT)view guide for TFR-07 Transfers by an Attorney under EPA or by Administration Order (SAT)
TFR-08 Transfer by Mortgagee/Debenture Holder/Annuitant (Chargee) exercising Power of Saleview guide for TFR-08 Transfer by Mortgagee/Debenture Holder/Annuitant (Chargee) exercising Power of Sale
TFR-09 Transfers by Sale for Rates (Local Government Act 1995)view guide for TFR-09 Transfers by Sale for Rates (Local Government Act 1995)
TFR-10 Transfer Pursuant to a Property (Seizure and Sale) Orderview guide for TFR-10 Transfer Pursuant to a Property (Seizure and Sale) Order
Verification of identity (VOI)
DOC-01 Document Preparation (PDF & eForms)view guide for DOC-01 Document Preparation (PDF & eForms)
VOI-01 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions and How to Complete a Verification of Identityview guide for VOI-01 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions and How to Complete a Verification of Identity
VOI-02 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority for Self-Represented Parties. Paper Based Transactionsview guide for VOI-02 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority for Self-Represented Parties. Paper Based Transactions
VOI-03 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions - Foreign Countriesview guide for VOI-03 Western Australian Registrar and Commissioner of Titles Joint Practice: Verification of Identity and Authority. Paper Based Transactions - Foreign Countries
VOI-04 Verification of Identity and Authority- Electronic Transactionsview guide for VOI-04 Verification of Identity and Authority- Electronic Transactions
Find information on strata planning, approval and surveys, registration of schemes and scheme amendments, along with the conversion, maintenance and termination of strata schemes. Choose ‘All guides’ or select from the filter that best applies to your search criteria.
Overview of Strata Schemes
STP-01 Strata Titles Schemesview guide for STP-01 Strata Titles Schemes
Which strata form do I need?view guide for Which strata form do I need?
STP-02 Lotsview guide for STP-02 Lots
SIG-14 Signing by a Strata Companyview guide for SIG-14 Signing by a Strata Company
STP-03 Common Propertyview guide for STP-03 Common Property
STP-04 Strata Titleview guide for STP-04 Strata Title
STP-05 Strata Companyview guide for STP-05 Strata Company
STR-01 Freehold and Leasehold Schemesview guide for STR-01 Freehold and Leasehold Schemes
Establishing a Strata Scheme
STP-06 Planning Approvalsview guide for STP-06 Planning Approvals
STP-07 Review of Decisionsview guide for STP-07 Review of Decisions
STP-08 Scheme Noticeview guide for STP-08 Scheme Notice
STP-09 Scheme Plansview guide for STP-09 Scheme Plans
STP-10 Schedule of Unit Entitlementsview guide for STP-10 Schedule of Unit Entitlements
STP-11 Scheme By-laws (plans)view guide for STP-11 Scheme By-laws (plans)
STP-12 Registration and Land Titlesview guide for STP-12 Registration and Land Titles
STR-02 Lodgement and Registration of New Strata Titles Schemesview guide for STR-02 Lodgement and Registration of New Strata Titles Schemes
STR-07 Scheme By-Laws (registration)view guide for STR-07 Scheme By-Laws (registration)
Amending a Strata Scheme
STP-13 Merger of Common Property and Lots in Certain Strata Schemesview guide for STP-13 Merger of Common Property and Lots in Certain Strata Schemes
STP-14 Conversion of Strata Schemes to Survey-Strata Schemesview guide for STP-14 Conversion of Strata Schemes to Survey-Strata Schemes
STP-15 Structural Alteration of Lotsview guide for STP-15 Structural Alteration of Lots
STP-16 Variation of Schemesview guide for STP-16 Variation of Schemes
STR-03 Single Tier Merger and Conversion Optionsview guide for STR-03 Single Tier Merger and Conversion Options
STR-04 Amendment of Strata Titles Scheme - Effecting Subdivisionview guide for STR-04 Amendment of Strata Titles Scheme - Effecting Subdivision
STR-05 Amendment of Strata Titles Scheme - Not effecting Subdivisionview guide for STR-05 Amendment of Strata Titles Scheme - Not effecting Subdivision
STR-07 Scheme By-Laws (registration)view guide for STR-07 Scheme By-Laws (registration)
STP-18 Adverse Possession and Strata Titlesview guide for STP-18 Adverse Possession and Strata Titles
STP-09 Scheme Plansview guide for STP-09 Scheme Plans
Terminating a Strata Scheme
STP-17 Termination of a Strata/Survey-Strata Scheme (plans)view guide for STP-17 Termination of a Strata/Survey-Strata Scheme (plans)
STR-06 Termination, Variation or Expiry of a Strata Titles Scheme (registration)view guide for STR-06 Termination, Variation or Expiry of a Strata Titles Scheme (registration)
Plan examples
STP-19 Strata Plan Examplesview guide for STP-19 Strata Plan Examples
New and updated guides
Which strata form do I need?view guide for Which strata form do I need?
STR-07 Scheme By-Laws (registration)view guide for STR-07 Scheme By-Laws (registration)
Find information on community scheme planning, approval and surveys, plus registration of schemes and scheme amendments, along with the maintenance and termination of community schemes. Choose ‘All guides’ or select from the filter that best applies to your search criteria.
Overview of Community Schemes
CTS-01 Community Schemesview guide for CTS-01 Community Schemes
Establishing a Community Scheme
CTS-02 Planning and Developmentview guide for CTS-02 Planning and Development
CTS-03 Scheme Noticeview guide for CTS-03 Scheme Notice
CTS-04 Scheme Plansview guide for CTS-04 Scheme Plans
CTS-05 Schedule of Unit Entitlementsview guide for CTS-05 Schedule of Unit Entitlements
CTS-06 Scheme By-lawsview guide for CTS-06 Scheme By-laws
CTS-07 Registration of community titles schemesview guide for CTS-07 Registration of community titles schemes
Amending a Community Scheme
CTS-08 Amendment of scheme plans effecting subdivisionview guide for CTS-08 Amendment of scheme plans effecting subdivision
CTS-09 Registration of an amendment of a community titles scheme - amendment of scheme plan effecting subdivisionview guide for CTS-09 Registration of an amendment of a community titles scheme - amendment of scheme plan effecting subdivision
CTS-10 Amendments of Scheme Plans not effecting subdivisionsview guide for CTS-10 Amendments of Scheme Plans not effecting subdivisions
CTS-11 Registration of an amendment of a community titles scheme - not effecting subdivisionview guide for CTS-11 Registration of an amendment of a community titles scheme - not effecting subdivision
Terminating a Community Scheme
CTS-12 Terminations - coming soonview guide for CTS-12 Terminations - coming soon
CTS-13 Registration of Termination or Variation of Community Titles Schemes - coming soonview guide for CTS-13 Registration of Termination or Variation of Community Titles Schemes - coming soon
Form Completion Guides
CTS-14 Forms reference tableview guide for CTS-14 Forms reference table
Application for registration of an amendment of a community title scheme - amendment of a scheme plan effecting subdivisionview guide for Application for registration of an amendment of a community title scheme - amendment of a scheme plan effecting subdivision
Application for termination of community scheme by single ownerview guide for Application for termination of community scheme by single owner
Application for termination of community titles scheme - termination resolution requires confirmation by the State Administrative Tribunalview guide for Application for termination of community titles scheme - termination resolution requires confirmation by the State Administrative Tribunal
Application for termination of community titles scheme - termination resolution under section 149(6) - Guideview guide for Application for termination of community titles scheme - termination resolution under section 149(6) - Guide
Application to amend community titles scheme – Amendment of scheme plan – Restricted use conditionview guide for Application to amend community titles scheme – Amendment of scheme plan – Restricted use condition
Application to register a community titles schemeview guide for Application to register a community titles scheme
Application to register a community development statement or amendmentview guide for Application to register a community development statement or amendment
Certificate of community corporation - Amendment of scheme plan effecting subdivisionview guide for Certificate of community corporation - Amendment of scheme plan effecting subdivision
Certificate of community corporation - Change of community corporation name and or address for serviceview guide for Certificate of community corporation - Change of community corporation name and or address for service
Certificate of community corporation – Schedule of unit entitlements / leases / restrictive covenantsview guide for Certificate of community corporation – Schedule of unit entitlements / leases / restrictive covenants
Community titles scheme by-lawsview guide for Community titles scheme by-laws
Consent Statement - Type 1 and 2 interest holders for amendment of scheme plan and schedule of unit entitlementsview guide for Consent Statement - Type 1 and 2 interest holders for amendment of scheme plan and schedule of unit entitlements
Consent Statement - Type 1 & type 2 interest holders of land leased as temporary common property, and amendment of scheme plan to create or discharge an easement or restrictive covenantview guide for Consent Statement - Type 1 & type 2 interest holders of land leased as temporary common property, and amendment of scheme plan to create or discharge an easement or restrictive covenant
Notice of entry under statutory easementview guide for Notice of entry under statutory easement
Notice of termination eventview guide for Notice of termination event
Notice that a community development statement ceases to have effectview guide for Notice that a community development statement ceases to have effect
Notice to extend development periodview guide for Notice to extend development period
Notice to lot owners and others for amendment of scheme planview guide for Notice to lot owners and others for amendment of scheme plan
Notice to type 1 and type 2 interest holders for consent to subdivision and schedule of unit entitlementsview guide for Notice to type 1 and type 2 interest holders for consent to subdivision and schedule of unit entitlements
Proposed Schedule of Unit Entitlements - Staged Subdivision By-laws e-formview guide for Proposed Schedule of Unit Entitlements - Staged Subdivision By-laws e-form
Guide to completing a Schedule of Unit Entitlement e-formview guide for Guide to completing a Schedule of Unit Entitlement e-form
Find information on surveying requirements, subdivision and plan approvals. Choose ‘All guides’ or select from the filter that best applies to your search criteria.
Glossary of abbreviations and terms
SPP-01 Introduction to Procedure Guidesview guide for SPP-01 Introduction to Procedure Guides
SPP-02 Searching Landgate Recordsview guide for SPP-02 Searching Landgate Records
Survey practice guidelines
SPP-03 Survey Guidelinesview guide for SPP-03 Survey Guidelines
SPP-04 Marking Guidelinesview guide for SPP-04 Marking Guidelines
SPP-05 Surveys of Water Boundariesview guide for SPP-05 Surveys of Water Boundaries
SPP-06 Surveys using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)view guide for SPP-06 Surveys using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
SPP-07 Easement Surveysview guide for SPP-07 Easement Surveys
SPP-08 Field Recordsview guide for SPP-08 Field Records
Plan preparation
SPP-09 General Drafting Practicesview guide for SPP-09 General Drafting Practices
SPP-10 Plan Practicesview guide for SPP-10 Plan Practices
SPP-11 Specific Plan Purposeview guide for SPP-11 Specific Plan Purpose
SPP-12 Three Dimensional Plansview guide for SPP-12 Three Dimensional Plans
SPP-13 Roadsview guide for SPP-13 Roads
SPP-14 Easements Covenants Notifications and other Interestsview guide for SPP-14 Easements Covenants Notifications and other Interests
SPP-15 Possessory Applications and Bringing Land under the TLAview guide for SPP-15 Possessory Applications and Bringing Land under the TLA
SPP-16 Digital Data Requirementsview guide for SPP-16 Digital Data Requirements
Plan processing
SPP-17 Lodgement Proceduresview guide for SPP-17 Lodgement Procedures
SPP-18 Expediting Plans and Documentsview guide for SPP-18 Expediting Plans and Documents
SPP-19 Validation and Examination Practicesview guide for SPP-19 Validation and Examination Practices
SPP-20 Plan Approval Requirementsview guide for SPP-20 Plan Approval Requirements
SPP-21 Subdivision and Project Management Issuesview guide for SPP-21 Subdivision and Project Management Issues
SPP-22 Table of Appendicesview guide for SPP-22 Table of Appendices
APX-01 Road Casement Surveys by Limited Markingview guide for APX-01 Road Casement Surveys by Limited Marking
APX-02 Operational Directivesview guide for APX-02 Operational Directives
APX-03 Field record examplesview guide for APX-03 Field record examples
APX-04 Plan examplesview guide for APX-04 Plan examples
APX-05 Digital Data Format Specification Version 2.0view guide for APX-05 Digital Data Format Specification Version 2.0
APX-06 Survey Practice Guidelines for the Preparation and Electronic Lodgement of Plans and Field Recordsview guide for APX-06 Survey Practice Guidelines for the Preparation and Electronic Lodgement of Plans and Field Records
APX-07 Renovation Plan Indexesview guide for APX-07 Renovation Plan Indexes
APX-08 Reference for interests and notifications box as depicted on plansview guide for APX-08 Reference for interests and notifications box as depicted on plans
APX-09 Directions to Surveyors Under Regulation 5 of the Licensed Surveyors (Transfer of land Act 1893) Regulationsview guide for APX-09 Directions to Surveyors Under Regulation 5 of the Licensed Surveyors (Transfer of land Act 1893) Regulations
APX-10 Strata Plan Digital Data Format Specificationview guide for APX-10 Strata Plan Digital Data Format Specification