Why use Land Enquiry Services?
Land Enquiry Services (LES) allows you to search land and property information, enquire on a dealing status, and order related products including certificates of title, plans, and documents. Simple navigation means it’s easy to discover, explore and purchase Western Australian land and property information.
With a range of search options, including predictive address searches, you can find what you’re looking for in less time.
Access to Land Enquiry Services
With different rights granted to different levels of access, everyone is able to access land data in Western Australia.
There are currently three different access roles – Guest, Registered, and Billing Account.
Action | Guest Role | Registered Role | Billing Account Role |
Requires you to register with a Landgate login | N | Y | Y |
Payment option available | Credit Card only | Credit Card only | Credit Card or Billing account |
Ordering products and reports | Most products are available for order | Most products and additional reports are available for order | All products and reports are available for order |
Viewing property details | View limited information about a property | View additional information about a property | View all the information about a property |
View plan details | View limited information about a plan | View additional information about a plan | View all the information about a plan |
View a list of documents associated with a property | N | Y | Y |
Check on the progress of a lodgement and access the NotifyMe product | N | Y | Y |
Purchase name reports online | N | N | Y |
Manage my subscriptions for NotifyMe and TitleWatch products | N | Y | Y |
View ownership history | N | N | Y |
Access Roles
Guest Access
This access enables you to use the Land Enquiry Services application without registering for a Landgate login. Select the ‘Guest’ button and continue to search for information.
With guest access you can:
- view limited property and plan details
- access most of Landgate’s products including certificates of title, plans, and documents
- view an aerial image of a property if available, and connect to Map Viewer Plus
- use a credit card to pay for purchases.
Start using Land Enquiry Services as a guest user now
Registered Access
This access enables you to use the Land Enquiry Services application after you have registered for a Landgate login. To launch Land Enquiry Services, select the ‘login’ option and type in your Landgate login and password.
As a registered user you will have access to more information than a guest user and you can:
- view additional property and plan details
- access most of Landgate’s products including certificates of title, plans, and documents
- view an aerial image of a property if available, and connect to Map Viewer Plus
- use a credit card to pay for purchases
- check the progress of documents going through registration
- manage your subscriptions to NotifyMe and TitleWatch products
- access the free Reserve Report.
If you’d like to become a registered user, follow our useful guide to Register for a Landgate Login to help you set it up. Then access Land Enquiry Services via the ‘login’ option.
Billing Account Access
This access enables you to use the Land Enquiry Services application after you have registered for a Landgate login and joined a billing account. To launch Land Enquiry Services, select the ‘login’ option and type in your Landgate login and password.
As a billing account user you will have access to more information than a registered user, and the option to charge your billing account for purchases made.
With billing account access you can:
- view all the property and plan details (including proprietor names)
- access all Landgate’s products including certificates of title, plans, and documents
- view an aerial image of a property if available, and connect to Map Viewer Plus
- use a credit card or your billing account to pay for purchases
- manage your subscriptions to NotifyMe and TitleWatch products
- access the free Reserve Report
- purchase current and historical name reports online
- check the progress of documents going through registration
- view ownership history of a property.
If you don’t have a billing account but are interested in setting one up, follow our useful How to Apply for a New Billing Account guide.
Helpful resources
Explore the useful information below to help you get the best out of Land Enquiry Services.
Order Multiple Productspdf 532 KBView document
Ordering a Certificate of Title with Sketchpdf 513 KBView document
Ordering Documentpdf 845 KBView document
Ordering a Planpdf 1.21 MBView document
How to manage my subscriptionspdf 684 KBView document
Ownership Historypdf 519 KBView document
Dealing Statuspdf 475 KBView document
Ordering a Certificate of Titlepdf 849 KBView document
View and order associated documentspdf 890 KBView document
Frequently asked questions
Your login will be one of three different types of roles: Guest, Registered, or Billing Account. Land Enquiry Services uses roles to determine what products you can buy, what information you can see, and what types of searches you can perform. For more information about roles and increasing your access, refer to the Land Enquiry Services information page.
At the top right corner, there is a grey box that will contain either 'Guest User' if you have chosen to use the application as a guest, or it will note the name of the user who has logged in with their Landgate login. If your Landgate login is joined to a billing account, you will also see the account number to ensure you have selected the correct account before incurring charges.
Yes, Land Enquiry Services connects you to Map Viewer Plus. It is more compatible with the latest web browsers ensuring you have a better experience locating land information.
No, fees for products and services are set each year to correlate with CPI and regulation standards. The launch of Land Enquiry Services does not alter the fees Landgate charges.
Associated documents are in chronological order for the Date of Execution, with the most recent being at the top of the list.
These documents are not linked in Land Enquiry Services the same way as other documents associated with a Certificate of Title. The plans and instruments for restrictive covenants will need to be purchased by typing in the unique numbers after retrieving the correct information from the title.
The "Last Issuing Details" refers to the last time that title was made paper and issued from Landgate. This would be considered historical information if the title is no longer issued.
No, Land Enquiry Services has no print function built into it. However, you can print directly from your web browser and the page should format correctly.
When ordering a plan in the Multiple Products screen you must enter in the correct prefix. P = Plan, DP = Deposited Plan, D = Diagram and SP = Strata Plan. If you're uncertain about which prefix to use, use the Plan Information search to investigate the plan numbers you have.
If you don’t have a MyLandgate account, name searches must be conducted in person at one of our Landgate offices in Midland or Perth. An in-person request requires you to present 100 points of ID to comply with Name Suppression guidelines.
Field Records are the licensed surveyor’s notes from surveys of land and are only available to specific authorised users. If you are not a licensed surveyor and require access to a field record, please submit your request in writing to Customer Service.
You can purchase a certified copy of a product by completing and submitting the Request for Certified Copy form. Customer Service will process your request and should provide you the document within 5 business days.
You can purchase a status report for a Registrar’s Packet by completing and submitting the Request for Status Report form. Customer Service will process your request and should provide you the document within 5 business days.
A dealing search can be done on any dealing, even when it's completed. NotifyMe will only appear as an available product for dealings that are not yet complete.
You can purchase a copy of an unregistered dealing by completing and submitting the Request for Dealing Search form. Customer Service will process your request and should provide you the document within 5 business days.
Historical ownership will show the changes of proprietors back until approximately 1989. If you need historical ownership information prior to this date, you may wish to seek Landgate's recommendations for your specific investigation. Landgate has Historical Searches available, along with several other products that may assist you.
This information is available in the sales reports available for purchase through Land Enquiry Services.
Historical information such as Historical Crown Allotment, Key Sheets and Survey Index Card Information can be viewed as static historical information externally from Land Enquiry Services. You will be able to download the data for free for your investigation.
Yes, Land Enquiry Services provides a new search option called Ownership History that provides you the information without interactive fees.
Send your findings through to investigationrequests@landgate.wa.gov.au
Landgate is working on a way to automatically add the phone number associated with your Landgate login. In the meantime, you’ll need to type it in when completing your order details.
For the purposes of creating a log-in with an international phone number, please use the phone number 0000 0000 to by-pass any system errors.
This is a known issue that is currenrly being investigated.