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Associated title documents

Explore documents related to a title and purchase copies.

Which documents can I purchase?

A Certificate of Title has a number of related documents registered against it. You can purchase copies online via our Land Enquiry Services site.

Associated title documents may include:

  • mortgage documents
  • caveats
  • transfers of land
  • other associated documents.

You’ll need to know document number and type

Unlike the Certificate of Title, you cannot search for associated title documents through an address search. To order a document you must first know the document number and type. This information is shown on the Certificate of Title, which you can also order via our Land Enquiry Services site.

Associated title documents give you:

  • additional information about a property
  • details about a caveat, buyer and sellers and mortgages
  • access to documents for any property.

Associated title documents are useful for:

  • learning more about a document registered on a Certificate of Title
  • identifying the source of a document
  • identifying parties to a document.

See samples of associated documents

How to order copies online

Follow this simple path to order and receive digital copies. Have the details you’ll need ready (see below). You’ll be prompted to place items in your shopping cart.

Go to our Land Enquiry Services site here:

Option 1: Proceed as an unregistered guest user to access some documents, including certificates of titles.

Option 2: Register for a free Landgate login to gain access to a broader range of documents and services.

To complete your order you’ll need:

  • The document number(s) and type as shown on the Certificate of Title
  • A debit or credit card
  • An email address

How long will it take?

Once you’ve submitted your order, you’ll receive an email with a receipt and your product(s) within 30 minutes. Associated title document(s) will be attached to the email in a PDF format.

Ready to order?

Associated title documents
Explore documents related to a title and purchase copies.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I go for more help or advice?

If you need help in understanding a document you can speak to Customer Service on +61 (0)8 9273 7373 or email